Your Pension

Freedom to enjoy retirement

The value of pensions and the income they produce can fall as well as rise. You may get back less than you invested. You should always seek independent financial advice before taking any action with your pensions. Any changes you make may be irrevocable and may have a negative impact on your retirement.

The huge choice of pension options can be incredibly daunting, and we know that this puts many people off. But you have probably heard that the sooner you start saving for your retirement the better, and this really is true. We are happy to take as much time as you need to explain your options, and if you choose, we will review your pension with you every year to check that you are still on track.

If you already have a pension and are unsure of how this is performing, we would highly recommend that you let us review this for you. Many older pensions are now in funds which are not performing in the current market, and by simply moving your money to a different fund you could gain thousands of pounds a year on your retirement. Remember – the money may be locked away in a pension but it is still your money that you worked hard for, so make your pension work hard for you!

If you are close to retirement it is also vital that you get good advice on your options, as your decision could literally impact on your income for the rest of your life. The new pension rules introduced in April 2015 have opened up new possibilities, but also new pitfalls.

A pension is a long-term investment not normally accessible until 55 (57 from April 2028).